This is #day13.
Over the summer, I am writing a short post about our day. The posts highlight some of our fun times, boring times, and imperfect times.


Boy couldn’t wait to start the day.
He hops out of bed, determined to play.

. . . . . The
. . . . . . . . . . . . . sun
. . peeks
. . . . . . . . . out
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . shyly.

Boy has become a gamer.
I feel uncomfortable with this and argue with myself:

• He should get out more.
• But, I need to work.
• He should be playing with other kids.
• But, he gets stressed out.
• We should walk each morning.
• But, it’s always pouring down.

I hate “should” and “but” conversations; they leave me feeling inadequate.

Context Matters:
The Anxiety Gremlin taunts my son.
It creates confusion and uncertainty and whispers worries until…

Boy explodes.

Emotion pours out.
He is lost and angry and fearful and confused and so much more.

I sit.
Quiet and still and zen like.
I let his angst erupt and cascade over me.

It is hard to see him so distressed.
But, it is much harder for him.

When boy is ready, we go out.
We walk, talk, climb hills, shop, hang out.

I wasn’t perfect – again.
My son worked hard – again.
And my husband ran the errands I couldn’t – again.

Tomorrow, we fly. It will be a long day.
Guilt-free gaming is on the menu! I might even get to read a book. 😉

How do you deal with should and but conversations?

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